Yes. The initial investment for spray foam insulation is more expensive. There is definitely a payback in both comfort and energy savings.
Most products have an environmental impact when they are manufactured. Spray Foam Insulation however gives back to the environment significantly by reducing energy consumption through it’s high r-value and excellent air sealing abilities.
Spray Foam is manufactured with fire retardant in the chemical. while it is considered a combustible building material, wood products will support a flame more easily. Spray Foam should be covered with an approved thermal barrier. This may be drywall or a spray applied intumescent coating.
Yes. It is recommended that electrical is installed and any required inspections are completed before the spray foam is installed.
Of course. Spray Foam is a polyurethane. We have polyurethanes around us all the time. The dash of your car and the foam in your couch are just a couple examples of polyurethanes. Like any other product, they must be installed correctly.